Contoh Perkenalan Diri Dalam Bahasa Inggris Lengkap dan Panjang


perkenalan diri dalam bahasa inggris lengkap

Perkenalan diri dalam bahasa inggris lengkap biasanya sering digunakan dalam memasuki tahapan  interview kerja atau wawancara kerja. Contoh berikut ini juga bisa dijadikan gambaran mengenai apa saja yang harus diceritakan termasuk dengan pengalaman organisasi dan pengalaman kerja khususnya.

Bagi kamu fresh graduate yang sedang mencari sumber contoh perkenalan diri dalam bahasa inggris yang lengkap bisa menggunakan contoh berikut ini dan dikembangkan kembali sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan pengalaman kamu sendiri.

Contoh ini bisa digunakan pada wawancara hrd atau wawancara user. Kami berikan contoh lengkapnya dan berdasarkan pengalaman dari narasumber penulisnya.

Berikut contoh perkenalan diri menggunakan bahasa inggris untuk interview :

My name is Elisabeth,

Born as the first child of a modest family, my dreams are not great. Those not so great dream or say it as a simple dream it is to make my parents and family proud of me and to improve our economic condition. But how?

Unfortunately I haven’t thought about it at that time. Since childhood I am well known for being modest, carefree, active, and quite smart enough in the academic field. I once won a speech contest, joined and won English debate competition, and I was also quite active in school organization. Even when in highschool I had been crowned as one of the best students at the provincial level.

To join in university are my goals since elementary school even I haven’t thought about what majors are going to take. Armed with accounting major at Vacational School, I became the only student in the class that succesfully accepted through National Selection method. I was quite proud by then.

But after going through the lecture process and learning in class, it turned out that to be accepted here is quite ordinary 🙂 . Majoring in accounting education at the time I have not understood that this course directs its students to be teachers in the future so there mostly i learned about teaching, psychological education and also curriculum practice.

How about the “accounting”?. yeah we also learned it, but not that deep as you who majoring in accounting. honestly at that time my dream is divided into two, that was to be a teacher and also a banker. Campus life are colored in a wide range of life experiences and organizations. I joined two organisations at that time, namely Student Association (HIMA) and the foreign language Student Acitivitiy Units (UKM) called SAFEL (Stundet Activity Forum of Foreign Languages).

I Found passion in SAFEL so I decided to left HIMA and focused on SAFEL until finally became the chairman in 2012. With a good organizational experience, I graduated from the accounting education department of Yogyakarta State University in 2014 with the “cumlaude” predicate .

Despite that time I still remained in doubt in choosing a career like fresh graduate in general. In the midst of that doubt I chose to join one of the Management Trainee Program in one of the largest pharmaceutical retail company in Indonesia, namely PT. K-24 Indonesia.

Joined for nearly two years in the operation I realized that operation and retail are not my interest. Came out with a fairly good experience in the company before, then I joined Bank BTPN Syariah with a jobdesk that is almost the same as the previous work that was working in the field. There, my interest in Islamic economics especially sharia banking is growing.

Many questions about sharia banking are arise but unfortunatelly didn’t fully answered. finally I went out and joined Bank Muamalat.

At that time I thought Bank Muamalat as the first Sharia bank in Indonesia is the right place to develop my interests and talents. Joined in Officer Development Program since 2017 provides me a lot of knowledge and experience that hasn’t been mastered before. Some of the skills that I have not maximising can be develope here especially in public speaking, analytical thinking, creative thinking, leadership, marketing, softselling, and also PowerPoint skill for business.

Experience on the job training in various divisions such as the Operation division where I learned about the operational banking in general, the priority banking division where I learned about service excelent for customers, corporate funding division where I learned about marketing and softselling, as well as the Treasury Division where I learned about the helicopter view of banking, liquidity management, and Economic movements that influence the currency rates volatility. Those experiences made me increasingly understood the bank business in general or Sharia bank business in particular.

2 years undergoing series of on the job trainings in Officer Development Program with a wide range of projects including transaction procedures for priority  customer, corporate funding procedures, and the last is asset securitisation project which is the first time asset securitisation ever been done in sharia banks with total target amount IDR 100 billion.

Those project are absolutely valuable experiences for me. And up until now, the first stage of asset securitization have added IDR 16 billion of liquidity to this bank. I am proud and this is a huge project that i brought for my final debrief in front of board of directors and they gave me pretty good remarks.

Graduated as the 2nd best from total 24 trainees of ODP Bank Muamalat and then finally assigned to join the Treasury sales team I believe I can be a special weapon to develop this company better in the future.

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Originally posted 2020-01-07 09:09:20.


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